Tourist Welcome

IAT Tourist Information Office


From April to October

From Tuesday to Sunday
From 9:30 am to 1:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm

From November to March

From Tuesday to Sunday
From 9:30 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm


  • The office hands out information and materials to the user on the spot free of charge, with response via e-mail, phone, post or fax, on local resources or on those included in the Regional Information System for tourists
  • Promotion of Verdi’s Places through continuous updating of the site and the sending of newsletters.
  • Promotion of local events
  • Promotion and management of educational workshops
  • Ticket management and guided tours of the Teatro Verdi in Busseto
  • Sale of all-inclusive tickets for the Giuseppe Verdi Birth House, Casa Barezzi Museum, Teatro Verdi
  • Sale of all-inclusive tickets for Giuseppe Verdi Theatre and Renata Tebaldi Museum
  • Sale of novelties
  • Creation of press releases for events; insertion of events on specialised sites
  • Distribution of information material regarding the territory, accommodation facilities and dining options
  • Data Processing of monthly contact statistics broken down by type
  • Management of bicycle rental on request
  • Collecting complaint slips for inefficiency

The Office can provide tourists with:

  • street maps, maps of the area
  • lists of tourist accommodation and dining options
  • lists of shops selling typical products
  • information leaflets on related areas of cultural, gastronomic and naturalistic interest
  • information leaflets on events, exhibitions and contests
  • cycle tourism maps with itineraries
Piazza Giuseppe Verdi, 10 – 43011 Busseto Parma
Tel 0524.92487