dialoghi di spirito artigiano

Monday 3 June 2024 at 9.00 pm – Giuseppe Verdi Theatre


An interdisciplinary dialogue to explore these dimensions which constitute the premise of a free and inclusive society. The evening will be opened by the lawyer Stefano Nevicati, mayor of Busseto.
Marco Granelli, national president of Confartigianato, will be present; Mauro Magatti, full professor in sociology at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Milan and author of numerous publications; Stefania Bandini, full professor of computer science at the University of Milan-Bicocca, Director of the Center for Studies and Research on Artificial Intelligence, author of numerous publications, one of the leading experts with three Awards from the Japanese Society for Scientific Promotion. Don Luigi Guglielmoni will also be present, who created the meeting to address the scenarios of the social, economic and cultural development of our country with more awareness. Mauro Bellini, professional journalist and director of various publications dedicated to digital innovation, will act as moderator.

During the dialogue, the latest book by Chiara Giaccardi and Mauro Magatti entitled “Generating freedom. Increase life without destroying the world.” Last year Confartigianato had already dedicated a qualified publication entitled “Proud, attentive, aware: Artisans and Artificial Intelligence”.

Free admission


Ufficio Informazione e Accoglienza Turistica
Piazza Giuseppe Verdi, 10 – 43011 Busseto (PR)
Tel. 0524.92487
info@bussetolive.com www.bussetolive.com