Saturday 22 June 2024 at 6.00 pm – Giuseppe Verdi Theatre

The Giuseppe Verdi Theater participates in the 2024 Festa della Musica!

To celebrate this special anniversary, at 6.00 pm on June 22nd the guided tour exceptionally extends to sectors not normally open to visitors: everything behind the scenes.

The Theater seen from a dual perspective: the gaze of the spectator and that of the artist
The world hidden behind the curtain

Have you ever imagined being in the shoes of an artist, on a stage, with a packed theater applauding you?

The thrill of discovering what lies behind the curtain of the Theatre, in those places that are normally excluded from the traditional guided tour. It will therefore exceptionally be possible to access the stage played by the greatest protagonists of the theatrical and musical panorama of today and of the past; visit the dressing rooms used by the artists; look out from the Royal Box, like guests at a gala evening; observe the scene from the elevated and privileged view of the gallery, meeting place of the most severe opera “critics”.

The Theater revealed, entirely.

Duration of the visit: 40 minutes


The tour will be conducted in Italian, but we can provide paper descriptions in your language


Full price €10.00, reduced €8.00 (over 65, children 6/14)

By reservation only



Ufficio Informazione e Accoglienza Turistica
Piazza Giuseppe Verdi, 10 – 43011 Busseto (PR)
Tel. 0524.92487